Does Luggage Driver have a store to receive clients?

For now, Luggage Driver don't have yet a open store to receive clients. The visitors and clients should visit our website to obtain information and it is also possible to contact us by email or phone. To drop off/pickup bags, please use one of our partner points in Porto. For more information about these points, visit the "PICKUP/DELIVERY POINTS" page.

How long does it take to deliver a direct transfer service?

The delivery it's made within 72 hours or with storage for a few days. Pickups/deliveries on holidays and weekends may be possible, but only upon confirmation of availability.

Can I order a transfer service without knowing yet where to pick up and drop off my luggage?

Unfortunately, for logistical reasons, we cannot accept direct or stage by stage services without having pick-up/delivery locations information.

In some cities, we have partner points where the clients can leave/collect the luggage.

I'm going to do the Camino de Santiago, can I request just one stage?

We do not accept single services, only packs of stages.

Can a direct transfer be a stage?

No, direct transfers between two locations are considered for long distances, for example from Porto to Santiago de Compostela.

What information do I need to send to request a service?

Date when the luggage is available and the client's arrival date at the destination. Complete addresses of the pickup and delivery location(s) and the name of the reservation that will be used at these locations.

We cannot accept services without this information.

In the case of stage by stage services, can I inform the destination addresses on the same day?

No, for logistical reasons we need to have all the information in advance.

Can the luggage transfer service be executed anywhere? And how is it done?

Yes, as long as the client guarantees that the location is a hotel/hostel/accommodation with open reception from 09:00 to 19:00 (local time) and with access to vehicles.

We do not perform services in apartments, due to access difficulties. 

We pickup and deliver to the locations receptions ground floor, we don't perform our services on upper floors or in rooms.

Our drivers register the luggage pickup and delivery information in a digital system, which is currently updated.

Is it possible to schedule a time to luggage pickup and for luggage delivery?

No, our standard luggage transfer service is performed out for many clients and agencies simultaneously, it is not possible to schedule a time, as the scheduled times can easily be advanced or delayed due to various factors.

The luggage must always be available for pickup at reception, at any time, from 9:00 (local time).

However, it may be possible to schedule a time, at an additional cost for the dedicated service and subject to the availability of the Luggage Driver.

Can I change the destination address?

Yes, but only in the case of direct transfers and if the luggage has not yet been delivered (we deliver to the location a few days before the client's arrival, if arrives earlier). The luggage must always be available for pickup at reception, at any time, from 9:00 am (local time).

Does Luggage Driver inform my hotels/accommodations that my luggage must be stored in order to carry out transfer services?

No, it is the client responsibility to inform every locations that this process will take place and that someone is needed at reception during the day, to be able to give to us and receive the client's luggage/bike.

Is it possible to request a passenger transfer service on the moment?

No, in this case we advise the client to request a local taxi.

All our services, including passenger transport, must be requested in advance.

When must a service payment needs to be made?

Any service, to be considered scheduled, must be paid in full and in advance.

How do I pay for a service?

Through this website on the “Services” page you can pay by Credit Card/VISA.

You can also make the payment through contact by email, in which we will send you a secure payment link through the STRIPE billing platform.

Through the e-mail you can also have the option of payment by MB (we will send you the reference data) in the case of Portuguese banks.

How do I pay for a service that is quoted on request and is not available on the website?

For customized services and routes that are not available for purchase on the website, the request, budgeting and payment process is carried out by email, where we send a secure link for payment through the STRIPE billing platform.

Through the e-mail you can also have the option of payment by MB (we will send you the reference data) in the case of Portuguese banks.

Do I need to create an account to purchase a service?

It is not necessary to create an account to purchase any service.

Is it possible to make specific budget requests and payments by phone or WhatsApp?

No, for budget requests, these must be requested by email or through our online forms.

To pay for services, this must be done through the website or by email.

Can I pay for Luggage Driver's transfer service at one of the partner points?

Our partner points doesn't belong to us, therefore it is not possible to pay for Luggage Driver's transfer services at these points, nor can the points accept it.

To pay for our services, this must be done via the website or by email.

In the case of direct transfers, how do I know where my luggage is or If it has already been delivered to the destination?

To find out information about your luggage, you can contact us by phone, WhatsApp or send an email.

In our system, we access the actual status update of the luggage, whether it has been collected, whether it is in storage, whether it has already been delivered to the destination, or whether it is on the way.

How should I prepare my luggage for the pickup?

In the luggage, we advise you to always use a locker and leave an identification with the name of the reservation (it can be an ibag tag or just leave it in a paper note).

At the first pick-up, we put a security seal (in the case of direct transfers) and our own Luggage Driver bag tag with the order information.

We always advise the client to inform the receptions that the luggage will be collected / delivered by our company.

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